My parents named me Hannah, similar to that Powerful and yet humble woman intercessor in the Old Testament of which I think I am the total opposite ;) I'm turning 29 on June 25, 2011 and I'm not worrying about aging too fast since I drink a lot of Gochi juice, haha, an anti aging product ^_^ Some say I look too young for my age that jeepney drivers would call me 'Ineng' to my utmost irritability. Anyway, I should come to accept that as an advantage =) By the age 0f 40, I'd look only 30. I'd be the envy of my other co-species! LOL

      I love the color Red since it represents strength of character but my dad would vehemently oppose my taste saying that it's the color of a 'seductress'. Is it so? I just laugh that out because I find myself geeky and nerdy, contradictory to one who would lead others astray w/ her power to hypnotize by way of charm and deceit. Well, I basically understand my dad, who's a Pastor and Conservative in every way, I don't mean to seduce you all out there with my red dress, haha, I just love what it symbolizes- STRENGTH. THE BLOOD OF JESUS that covered and wiped out all of my baggages from Past Fiascoes. Red makes me want to scream to those who have hurt (in an evil and wicked way) me in the PAST that 'HEY YOU, SEE? I'm UP HERE, STILL STANDING, YOU JUST SIGNED YOUR DEATH WARRANT!' just kidding, I mean 'HEY YOU, SEE? I'm UP HERE, STILL STANDING ALL BECAUSE MY JESUS DIED FOR ME SO I COULD LIVE, AND WHATEVER YOU HAVE TRIED TO DO TO PULL ME DOWN OR DESTROY ME, HAS NO POWER BECAUSE I AM COVERED BY THE BLOOD OF THE ALMIGHTY'.

Ok, I've had enough of the screaming and shouting =) Another point I would like to share with you is that I love to eat and yet ironically I don't get fat! It must be my enhanced metabolism, immediately turning all the food into energy in just seconds. I eat almost anything served at the table, not really choosy, except DINUGUAN. =) I have my scientific and Biblical explanation on this although there are Christians who has the strength and courage to eat this type of viand, I on the other hand, cannot do so. =) 

One of my mottos? "WOrk hard, Party Harder (in a way that Glorifies God since it is true that we are all called to enjoy our lives BUT not to our own or anybody else's detriment)'

MY LOVELIFE? =) I've had my own fair share of disappointments and mistakes and if only I could turn back time? "I WOULD COMMIT THE SAME MISTAKES AGAIN!!!" haha, just kidding, I mean, I would not, ever, commit the same blunders, slip-ups that led me far from God's Presence, the Worst that  ever happened to me. Amazingly, JEsus waited, for me to wake up from my hallucinations. Each and everytime I am reminded of HIS GRACE, I become teary-eyed, incredible, wonderful, beautiful, Holy, Righteous Savior. SO? AM I am inlove with someone at this moment of time =) YES. He's everything to me. I would die without Him and my world will crumble into pieces in His absence. I need HIM, badly. I want HIM to be always there, I would never do anything to push Him away. My WHOLE LIFE REVOLVES around Him - JESUS

Furthermore? Let's GO technical this time around =)

Here are some of my Job descriptions slash occupation:
> Legal Researcher in a Law firm
> Used to be a Bantay Katarungan (a non-profit, non-stock organization under Former Senator Jovito Salonga) Researcher/Investigator
> In church : I am a host/ worship leader/ events organizer/ Youth Minister/ Kids Teacher/ Cook/ Aid to the Handicapped members of our church/ dancer

> Also a MARKETING Executive in Free Life Corp. (http://thefablawyer.freelife.com)

I find JOY in small things, hobbies such as scrapbooking, dvd marathons, collecting toys <matchbox, hotwheels, robots, keychains, collectible items from different tv series, Mcdonalds/Jollibee/KFC toys, dolls, gadgets>, bags, books, small & cute stuff for my home and work crib, definitely crazy over weird looking items we find in depots. Yes indeed, a single stemmed sunflower given to me would make Hannah smile. I appreciate every single object that is given to me provided that it is not against public morals or decency, haha, and is not illegal. You give me a shabu and after a few hours, your house has already been raided and YOU'RE BEHIND BARS =) You see what I mean???

I might sound like a naive girl to you but I am in truth, mysterious and inscrutable ^_^ A Profounder and as some say, tricky to decrypt or decode =) Maybe due to my encounters with severely ruthless situations or even people that have committed atrocities against me, I have learned to harden UP and GUARD my heart. I have learned the strategies of WARFARE, Spiritual and Physical, I have learned how to DEFEND myself in the quickest way POSSIBLE. =) YEP, it is my heart's desire to be a CRIMINAL LAWYER in the TIME to COME. I am essentially preparing myself, Emotionally, Physically and Spiritually.

ANyway, this is all for the meantime =) Hope we could have a CUP of COFFEE sometime and just talk about You, Your interests and what Inspires you. If there is anything I could do to help or encourage you, just give me a call =)

 I'm excited to meet you and share the goodness of God and His Mighty Works =) Toodles! haha!