Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Keep My Heart Lord (Cry of a Broken Heart)

      Father, the loneliness is creeping in again, just like anxiety attacks, it comes in at any time of the day, be it at work, at home or even while traveling and in moments of utter despair and confusion, I have no one else to call upon except you alone JESUS. JESUS. JESUS. Help me NOW, comfort my shattered heart and soul and in due time I believe that I will be made whole again. Keep my Heart Lord that I may worship you my entire lifetime.

     I'm reminded of my painful past, just like waves drowning out my plea for rescue, crashing down on my utmost being, screaming that all hope is gone. I reach out my hand, grasping for air, my spirit fighting, trusting you LORD, SCREAMING YOUR NAME at the top of my lungs.

     Don't let go of me Lord, YOU'RE every breath I take, the thin thread of faith, yearning for your Salvation, the Resurrection Power, building, renewing... Saving me

Monday, January 24, 2011


          For years I have been suffering with dysmenorrhea, a gynelogical medical condition of pain during menstruation that interferes with daily activities, as defined by American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and others. Still, dysmenorrhea is often defined simply as menstrual pain, or at least menstrual pain that is excessive (as defined by wikipedia).

          I went through college and law school drinking anti pain relievers because my type of dysmenorrhea was 'excessive'. I had to absent myself from class and thus miss out on exams, other activities and hence go through the torture of  extreme pain. A few years back, I went to my gynecologist to have myself checked and I found out that I have Polycystic ovaries (you could search that out in the web). I've taken meds but as the months and years passed, the dosage had to be increased because such meds weren't having an effect to my monthly suffering anymore.

          2 weeks ago, I started drinking Goji juice, wondering whether it will indeed help me out with this lifelong problem (since this started out when I was 14 and has kept me from accomplishing a lot of feats). Today, January 25, 2011, is supposed to be my 'excruciating pain day' but to my surprise, all I'm feeling is discomfort. No extreme pain. Being a Law student, I am very meticulous when it comes to results and evidence hence, I will be having another visit to the Doctor to atleast have a written record of how the Lord has helped me through Goji Juice and share it with others who are looking for solutions to their pain problems. It has started working in me. :-) I will continue to share updates on this health dilemma and my recovery/ healing.