Tuesday, November 22, 2011


There's a fire starting in my heart
Reaching aT fever pitch, it's bringing me out the dark
Finally I can see you crystal clear
Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare
See how I'll leave with every piece of you
Don't underestimate the things that I will do

Thursday, October 20, 2011


     October 18, 2011, Tuesday, was a delightful night spent with close friends in the Law Firm and Highschool bestfriend in celebration of Atty. Darwin Cano's birthday at Trinoma. It was more than just a chit-chat, a friendly gathering or a night of gifts exchanged but also a meeting of the wittiest, most creative and smartest people that I know. Uhm, not really a corporate meeting, nyahaha! Hanggang sa labas ba naman, work pa rin? LOL. Yeah we definitely had tons of super laughters and crazy jokes however there's more to what the eye could see. Pagsama-samahin ba naman ang mga panalo sa bashing at banatan like the sharp and yet clever statements from the undefeated HOT-torney Ella 'Mae', coupled with the zanniest remarks from Lesley (the most creative Fine- Arts graduate in the house na kung wala sya dead and dull ang buhay ng mga leg. researchers, hayzt, we will miss you GuRL), and in addition the humorous and witty questions from Abi (ang pinaka-singkit sa lahat, haha ^_^ peace abi). Eh talagang naluto ng husto si Atty. Darwin most especially when everyone started asking about his love life. haha Nga naman Atty. Cano, what is love???? and as of this moment, who are you in love with ba??? Bakit si Ma'am Dx lang ang nakakaalam??? (SNN ba to?! Ha??!!)

God has entrusted me in the care of friends who do not judge me for who or what I am, instead accept me in my weaknesses and shortcomings (actually, binabatuk-batukan lang ako ng mga to, meron pa ngang isa na gusto raw ako sampalin pag gumagawa ako ng kalokohan, hahaha, joke people!), who would gently correct me for my mistakes and not demand that I change for the better but leave allowance for me to intentionally and voluntarily modify my own selfish ways. Yes, I am grateful to the Lord for these individuals who inspire and encourage me to be more than I could be. Uhm, STOP! This is not about me, but about the Birthday Boy who is alleging that he just turned 25!!!! Hala sige, pagbigyan! haha
Baka magalit gaya nitong sa picture na to! haha

Thank you to pala to Abi, our visitor from China for spending time with us and
driving all the way to Trinoma. hehehe I am also thanking you in behalf
of the gift you have given Atty. Darwin. Anu ba yun ha??!!! Curious kami!

They are friends that I could show my true self, not needing to wear a mask and pretend who I am not. We boost each other to grow in the respective fields that God has placed us. I love being with them because I see their desire to learn and never stop learning, to grow but in a manner worthy of respect and admiration. 
Ang pinakamasaya is lahat kami mahilig KUMAIN! TA-MAAAAA!
Eto ang favorite hobby namin!!!
Ay, mamimiss namin ang STore ni Aling Lesley =(( panu na yan???
I am deeply grateful to the Lord for preserving my friendship with them.(hahaha, not to mention the tampuhans, asarans pero just like rubber bands, bumabalik kami sa
isa't-isa. haha ang drama! MUSIC naman jan HOT-torney L)

Anyway, Thank you Atty. Darwin Cano for taking the time to party with us and for the delicious food... (actually kulang! Kulang po, asan ang balloons at partey hats??? haha, pinakain na, nagrereklamo pa, may seafood na nga yung pizza eh, ahaha, I'm kinda drooling all over my work desk now, LMAO sa uulitin ha? sana birthday mo na uli bukas) oh, and yeah, thank you for telling me that I should take and pass the Bar exams first before having a boyfriend...hahaha... 
hence, I better pass the exams as soon as possible so I could get
married already! haha...but for now, I ought to be content with my imaginary stick boyfriend that Atty. Cano drew for me. Ang sweet diba??? lol

QUERY: So who among the five of us is going to get married soon?

Thank you guys for making Atty. Darwin's Birthday a SPECIAL ONE kasi special child nga SYA. hahaha ^_^ Peace Atty. Cano. Behave na ako.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011



SCARED. AFRAID that you might be the one for me. FEARFUL that after being too attached to you, I would be left behind.

WALL. I started putting it up after all the tragedies and traumas I’ve been through and now it’s keeping me from being too close to you. It’s my DEFENSE MECHANISM to keep you FAR from me. I call it eE2��MY HEART WALL’. I find solace in my little cave of insecurities and comfort in being alone, not being with someone, minding my own business, in the absence of hurt, pain and even love. My mind repetitively says that I’m not worthy to love nor worth it to be loved. Despite my victories, my status quo in life, achievements, notwithstanding how people think of me, an encourager, inspiration, friend, I still can’t help succumbing into my own cocoon because I don’t want you to see the scars, the damages, my brokenness. I DON’T WANT YOU TO SEE WHO I AM.

FOREVER. I believe that God’s love is ETERNAL, then again, I refuse to accept as true that there is a FOREVER in relationships between a MAN and a WOMAN. That it does not exist. Yeah, I guess I’m the most stubborn hearted person you could ever befriend. Years of harrowing incidents, occurrences and experiences has brutally left me scarred, damaged and I thought I was beyond repair:


JESUS CAME and is in the


PARDON. FORGIVE my rudeness if there would be periods, intervals, spells when you can’t find me, when I’m not always there. Be COMFORTED that I am in the DWELLING PLACE of my SAVIOR JESUS, RESTING, DISPELLING all my fears and SPENDING WONDERFUL moments of HIS GRACIOUS LOVE most especially when I am petrified.


John 12:3-7

New International Version (NIV)
3 Then Mary took about a pint[a] of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.

HEALING. This is me, broken, spilled out and down at JESUS’ feet. It is a slow and yet sure process. Someday, I’m coming out of my shell. One day I would be free from the chains, doubts and fears engulfing me.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011


 I basically work from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. in our Law Firm at Quezon City which means that my office is considered as my 2nd home already =) Thus, practically staying for hours, sitting in front of my table, I have come to realize that I ought to make my work crib as comfortable as it could be. So I started searching out web accounts and blog sites for the coolest and  most creative office cubicles I could find, my primordial purpose of which is to enjoy my job and to produce efficient results as a Legal Researcher. It is a fact that if you're happy with what you're doing, inspired and creatively encouraged, obviously you'd be all the more proficient with the outcome of your toil/labor =) The Legal Profession could at times be boring, tiresome, tedious or even monotonous since we deal w/ papers works. A PILE OF PAPER WORKS sometimes too MONSTROUS to even accomplish, haha.

As you could see, the wall paper on my screen has been artistically designed by none other than Sir Rommel Estanislao. This is one of his GOSPEL GRAPHICS =) Fantastically motivating and encouraging since God's Word is to be found on each and every design. If you want to know more about this artist and see more of his works just make a comment at the 'comment link' below.

This is my small, lifeless headquarters (work crib) haha. Since I started working full time only last December 2010, my lack of creativity and artistry has left my cubicle looking like a 'lapida' LOL, dead & dull. But upon seeing the work cribs of Pastor Jordan Escusa and Lizette Claudio, I started adding colorful stuff to my table and office accessories, as well as upon seeing the inventive and imaginative masterpieces of Sir Estanislao, Norby Ela, Aileen Casis, Seb Chua, Tepai Pascual and all the other local artists, began  buying cute gaudy decorations.


I am going to take it one step at a time, these are life's simple pleasures teaching us to thank God even in the smallest of things, to be content with whatever is provided us and to handle the petite or minute things with the best care possible so that God or people could later on entrust us with bigger or greater things.

The following are the cool Work cribs of people who inspire me in life! If you have anything to add or if you think your work place is pretty much awesome too, let me know and send me pictures! =) Let's inspire people to work hard, and do their Best for the Lord, their families and those they love! =))
Pastor Jordan Escusa's AZTIG WORK PLACE

Pastor Jordan Escusa's AZTIG WORK PLACE

Pastor Jordan Escusa's AZTIG WORK PLACE

Ms. Lizette Claudio

Ms. Lizette Claudio's Amazing Workplace

Here are additional links for office designs as suggested by readers of this blog and tweetmates:

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Sure enough I found yet 'another' hobby that I could sink my teeth into- COMICS- and there's a whole lot of 'em to read and check out since shops are filled with a variety of graphic novels and manga which means that you'll never get bored leafing through colorful, surreal pages. Let my imagination work for me, sort of an escape from reality and into the realm of flying, kicking, screaming, fiery combatants, a world of unending adventure or even of undying love, a world of hope and justice.

So, T'was a sunny Saturday morning when my friend and I decided to attend to the FREE COMIC BOOK DAY at Galleria, that happens ONLY once a year. There was already a long line of people waiting and we were given a piece of paper as a ticket for receiving bulks of comic books plus a number for the raffle draws. I couldn't forget the electricity of excitement in the crowd awaiting for their goodies to be placed on their hands. Thousands of comic books were distributed which made everybody pretty happy, I was happy =) This was something I've looked forward too for months and here it was, I was ecstatic! I couldn't contain my joy like a little kid whose parents bought him his favorite toy.

I saw families, parents, and children anticipating their turn of accepting gifts, freebies and goodies. It was an Awesome site and a memorable one too. These are moments that I thank the Lord for, moments of pure wonder and enjoyment. This is how we must live our lives, free from the circumstances and troubles that beset us. 

Sir Rommel Estanislao
Sir Norby Ela

Another exciting part was meeting two of my favorite Local Artists who have inspired me in so many different ways.
 Sir Rommel and Sir Norby are amazingly cool and creative and seeing them in person is totally one of life's great events =) 

Here are some of the goodies I got! Next event would be FRAMED, on Friday 7 pm at SM Megamall, May 21, 2011. Hope to see You there!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Keep My Heart Lord (Cry of a Broken Heart)

      Father, the loneliness is creeping in again, just like anxiety attacks, it comes in at any time of the day, be it at work, at home or even while traveling and in moments of utter despair and confusion, I have no one else to call upon except you alone JESUS. JESUS. JESUS. Help me NOW, comfort my shattered heart and soul and in due time I believe that I will be made whole again. Keep my Heart Lord that I may worship you my entire lifetime.

     I'm reminded of my painful past, just like waves drowning out my plea for rescue, crashing down on my utmost being, screaming that all hope is gone. I reach out my hand, grasping for air, my spirit fighting, trusting you LORD, SCREAMING YOUR NAME at the top of my lungs.

     Don't let go of me Lord, YOU'RE every breath I take, the thin thread of faith, yearning for your Salvation, the Resurrection Power, building, renewing... Saving me

Monday, January 24, 2011


          For years I have been suffering with dysmenorrhea, a gynelogical medical condition of pain during menstruation that interferes with daily activities, as defined by American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and others. Still, dysmenorrhea is often defined simply as menstrual pain, or at least menstrual pain that is excessive (as defined by wikipedia).

          I went through college and law school drinking anti pain relievers because my type of dysmenorrhea was 'excessive'. I had to absent myself from class and thus miss out on exams, other activities and hence go through the torture of  extreme pain. A few years back, I went to my gynecologist to have myself checked and I found out that I have Polycystic ovaries (you could search that out in the web). I've taken meds but as the months and years passed, the dosage had to be increased because such meds weren't having an effect to my monthly suffering anymore.

          2 weeks ago, I started drinking Goji juice, wondering whether it will indeed help me out with this lifelong problem (since this started out when I was 14 and has kept me from accomplishing a lot of feats). Today, January 25, 2011, is supposed to be my 'excruciating pain day' but to my surprise, all I'm feeling is discomfort. No extreme pain. Being a Law student, I am very meticulous when it comes to results and evidence hence, I will be having another visit to the Doctor to atleast have a written record of how the Lord has helped me through Goji Juice and share it with others who are looking for solutions to their pain problems. It has started working in me. :-) I will continue to share updates on this health dilemma and my recovery/ healing.